Friday, May 8, 2009

Anticipation Reading

In anticipation for Angels and Demons coming to theatres next week, and with magazine writing coming to an end, I finally have enough time to split between reading/writing poetry and other creative writing endeavours, and rereading Angels and Demons and A Confederacy of Dunces. I'd say it's about time that I stepped up my game when it comes to the breadth of novels I've read (and more importantly, remembered).

Last week during one of my interviews, the interviewer knew the main characters from Rats Saw God, another one of my favorite books, though one that for years I've considered to be relatively obscure to completely unknown when it came to schools other than Bacon/NFA. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case any longer.

Now the interviewers know all of the 'reserve' books that for years have been recommended to me to know when being interviewed for a teaching job. I have a lot of reading to do, which may seem more recreational than anything else, but it's actually a lot of work....though fun work!

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