Thursday, May 21, 2009

RI finally shows signs of life

The first teacher job postings for RI finally came out today--2 secondary English positions for North Providence for next year, a relatively sound district in comparison to some of the others. I know I shouldn't expect to see many more postings, especially from districts like Warwick, East Providence, Woonsocket, and Providence, but it even feels better to know there are postings out there for new RI teachers. (I'm sure they'll all have postings, but very late in the summer, and I can't imagine they'll be for longer than one year if there even are postings...these districts are so far into the red right now that they are considering chopping the school year by 7 or more days, eliminating bus routes, charging for all activities and sports, and shortening the school day by 15 minutes. All in all these things, paired with the amount of teachers jobs that would be eliminated, would bridge the deficit gap and provide them with enough money for next year that they might be able to address their impending '10-'11 deficit.)


It's only 2 postings, which is minuscule compared to the 100 or so ELA education graduates who will be looking for teaching positions this coming school year. That's pretty competitive.

I wonder how many more I'll see in the coming weeks...we are, after all, still technically in the school maybe that means we could see an uptick in job postings as we get to the end of the year and into the summer. Maybe they're just waiting until the absolute last date possible to post anything for fear of the economy tail spinning even further in oblivion.

Let's keep the job postings coming for the sake of our children who deserve better than better arguments about raising out taxes by $300-$400 per year to ensure class sizes of no more than 20, rigorous programs, plenty of electives, and after-school clubs and sports to keep kids in school, learning, off the streets, and off drugs.

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