Wednesday, April 15, 2009

State of the Blogger

The first of many with the title, I'm sure.

1.) Getting very antsy and very impatient with this incredibly slow and delayed CORI process...just to begin an after-school aide job. Seems pretty superfluous and ridiculous if you ask me...for it to take so long (7 weeks!) I mean...since I would have expected this to take a week or less.

2.) Having a bit of writer's block recently, but am attempting to plow through it with a lot of trips to the library and a lot of reading.

3.) Happy to see that the Dow has again crossed 8,000 and has been flirting with this level for a while. I don't like to label myself as very much outside of my self-prescribed ones already to the right-hand side of this post under the "About Me," but I would venture to say I've become sort of a 'freelance economist' in the interim since about December. I now know terms I had never heard of before, I am able to understand how to predict a 'market anomaly,' I can pick stocks that will rise even in a downtown (though they're very unpopular because of their slow but steady growth), and I'm able to navigate through a ton of the 'economic clutter' that inundates us everyday to pick out what's essential, indicative and influential. I suppose that means I've learned something completely new, huh?

4.) Anxiously awaiting results of one of my job interviews, waiting patiently for another to come, and hoping to get many more invites for them in the near future as we draw closer to the end of this year.

5.) Have gained back 10 pounds I lost around January when I entered my own recession of working out, eating and sleeping. I'm now finally approaching 200 again (after being down to 187 at one point.) Keep in mind, I've fallen from 218 when I left ECSU in Dec. 2007. I'm glad to be working out again...and now I can run like 2 or 3 miles without stopping, granted I am pretty slow still. I'd like to run a marathon one day. Maybe not the 26.2 Boston marathon, but a 5K or possibly 10K could certainly be in my future.

6.) On a related note, I'm hoping to get a teaching assignment next year so I can begin lesson planning, reading and researching to make it a flawless and streamlined year of plenty of preparation and structure to ensure success on my level and in my students.

7.) Word of the day: scotopic. Meaning able to see in the dark or in dim light and having eyes adaptable to see in this sort of light.

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